
HomeHomePremiumPremiumAdministrationAdministrationDatabase connection problemDatabase connection problem
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2/27/2014 1:25 AM

Hello Everyone,

I have been getting an occasional database connection problem with a dnn installation on my laptop.

When accessing the site I get a blank screen apart from the following message:

DNN Error
Connection To The Database Failed
There's also a button 'Return to Site'.

The site works following a reboot of machine, so I assume that something stopped running.

But the SQL Server process  'SQL Server - (SQLEXPRESS)' had a status of 'started'.

Does anyone know why this should occur and how I can prevent it?

Best Regards,


New Post
2/27/2014 3:11 AM

Hi Steve,

The only thing I can think of is for you to check the "Event View" on windows under "Administrative Tools" - It may point you to the core problem.

Best regards,


New Post
2/27/2014 4:08 AM

OK Thank you Aderson

New Post
6/23/2015 3:19 AM

Hey Steve, just curious if you ever figured this out.  I have a DNN site on my IIS server that just stops working occasionally as well, same symptoms as yours.  Restarting IIS on the server doesn't fix it, nor does restarting the SQL server (which is on a separate server).  Rebooting the IIS server is the only thing I've found that'll fix the error.  I do see occasional ASP.NET warning events in Event Viewer for this site, but they don't seem to line up with when it goes down.


New Post
6/23/2015 4:25 AM

Hii Greg,


No I'm afraid I didn't, I still get the error occasionally, though only on my local machine.

I Wish I had the answer.

Best Regards,,


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