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2/20/2014 1:59 PM
Aderson wrote:

Please post your web.config file as it is now. But don't copy and paste its content within the text editor on the forum as it will break. Send it as a file. rename the extension to .txt and send it over.

 the document manager doesn't allow me to upload.

New Post
2/20/2014 2:10 PM

This this new file:

New Post
2/20/2014 2:22 PM
OK, so I now saw the DNN installing screen, then I get this message....

Installing DotNetNuke

Upgrade Error: ERROR: Could not connect to database specified in connectionString for SqlDataProvider



New Post
2/20/2014 2:28 PM

You have to make sure you the connection details to the database are correct. The error says that it is not. Either the database is not running or the database connection details are not right.

Not sure if this is a local installation or an installation on a hosting provider, but if it is with a hosting provider, you need to make sure you get the correct connection string information from them.

New Post
2/20/2014 2:32 PM

BTW, I saw a connection string on the original web.config you sent me that said:


If that is the live connection information, you may want to go to the web.config I sent you. Go to the "connectionString" property at line 30 and the "value" property on line 39 and replace both with the one above.

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