
HomeHomePremiumPremiumDevelopmentDevelopmentMissing Localization KeyMissing Localization Key
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12/9/2013 6:55 AM

I am getting a warning in my DNN log that I am not sure how to correct.  The message is related to my custom modules.  The message says that I am missing a localization key.  Here is a copy of the message:

[Thread:56][WARN] DotNetNuke.Services .Localization.LocalizationProvider - Missing localization key. key:ControlTitle_enterinfo.Text resFileRoot:/DesktopModules /MYMODULEPACKAGE /Views/MYMODULENAME/App_LocalResources/ VIEWNAME threadCulture:en-US userlan: 

Does anyone know how I can fix what this warning is telling me about?



New Post
12/9/2013 7:01 AM

Hi Andy,

Have you tried adding the key "ControlTitle_enterinfo.Text" to the localization file of your control?



New Post
12/9/2013 7:13 AM

I have not.  I have poked around a little and don't see a localization file in the Module Project.  Where is is supposed to be located and what is it called?

 Second.  I am not sure what it is expecting to find as a value for the key "ControlTitle_enterinfo.Text".  What is triggering the requirement for this key and what does it want as a value?

New Post
12/9/2013 7:16 AM

Not sure what's triggering it but it should be located at /App_LocalResources under your module folder and it should have the same name as the control like this:




New Post
12/9/2013 7:55 AM

I attempted to do as suggested and was unsuccessful.  I added a new resource file to the project and named it to match my control.

I added a couple values in VS but they didn't seem to help.  After adding these I recompiled and tested again but get the same error.  I'm not sure where this needs to be added, or what it should be named exactly.

Here is what I see when editing the resource file in VS:


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