
HomeHomePremiumPremiumDevelopmentDevelopmentDNN 7.1.0 problemsDNN 7.1.0 problems
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10/31/2013 10:46 AM

Hi Aderson

I have a site using 7.1.0 and I have some very strange problems.  I can't insert an image in the content editor (but I can edit text with no problems).  I also can't change permissions on pages (like clicking on the All Users check box)  Nothing happens.  Any ideas?  Thanks.

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10/31/2013 10:57 AM

Hi Christopher,

If this is a new DNN installation, did you make sure you have unblocked the installation zip file when you downloaded it? Nowadays whenever you download a zip file from the web, windows save the file and marks it as "blocked". To unblock, just right click the file and go to properties. There will be an "un block" button there somewhere.

I have seen very strange problems with DNN whenever the installation file is still blocked and we unzip it.

Give it a try and let me know.



New Post
11/1/2013 10:57 AM

OK, I updated the sites to 7.1.2 and made sure the zip was undocked.  I'm still having the same problems.  On one site I have a page named Providers that is disabled with 2 pages that drop down below it.  If I name the parent page Providers (with the S) I get a 404 error when I click on either of the 2 child pages.  If I name the page Provider (no s) or Providers 1 (with the s and a space and a 1) the child pages work fine.  

The other site has these problems.  When I insert a photo into the content editor window it places the photo with the height and width set to 0 no matter what size it is or if I set them or not.  Also, if I add a page the default permissions setting is Admin only for view and edit.  When I go to the page permissions and try to click on All Users (or anything else) nothing happens, no check mark appears so there's no way to make the page visible.

Any ideas?  Thanks a lot.

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11/1/2013 11:15 AM

I can have a look at the site if you want. Send me access to aderson [at] dnnhero [dot] com

New Post
11/1/2013 12:29 PM

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the access. I had a look around on your sites:

1 - The "Providers" problem seems to be a bug on DNN. DNN has a very important folder called "Providers" already and I think this is causing conflicts with pages called providers and pages underneath that - I have tested on DNN 7 and got the same results as you. I may post that on the DNN bug track system - I don't have a work around this one - sorry;

2 - In regards to the images on the other site, for me it worked just fine. check the images I have added under the "Water" page;

3 - In regards to the problem setting up permission, there is something very strange on your site. The site is DNN 7.1.2 and it should be using the following jquery and jqueryui versions:


but the site is actually using:


These are older versions as compared to the one dnn needs. Not sure how and why it is using that, but you need to change this under Host/Host Settings/Advanced Settings/JQuery Settings - "Hosted jQuery URL" and "Hosted jQuery UI URL". I have not changed that for you as you may have reasons for that, but most likely this is the root cause of the permission not working.

Best regards,


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