
HomeHomePremiumPremiumDevelopmentDevelopmentRestaurantMenu MVC projectRestaurantMenu MVC project
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9/30/2016 8:22 AM

HI Scott, 

I downloaded your DNNRestaurantMenu project into a test DNN 8.0.4 installation. I was able to get the SPA module to work ok, but when I try to get the MVC module to work, it crashes my DNN installation - it says "DNN Error".  I tried matching the package versions of the installed packages in the RestaurantMenuMVC project with those of the DNN installation and also matching the DNN references with those of the DNN installation.  I looked thru the code and installed the module in this path also: 


I also updated the RestaurantMenuMVC.csproj file to change references to "" to "http://dnn804" which is my installation url. 

Do you what else I need to check to get it working?

Thanks very much!,



New Post
10/20/2016 9:46 AM


Somehow I didn't get notified of this post.  So sorry.  I only get those "DNN Error" messages when a Visual Studio creates a virtual directory on DesktopModules.  Look in IIS to see if that happened and remove it.

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