
HomeHomePremiumPremiumDevelopmentDevelopmentAngular issues using $watchAngular issues using $watch
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5/18/2016 8:59 AM

Using your brilliant example, Scott, on bootstrapping Angular into my DNN modules (but I have to admit it still confuses me exactly how it works - but it works!).  However, running into a much more complex module I'm developing where examples I'm trying to implement use $watch (creating a multi check box list set of filters).   Basically if I try to implement $watch it says $scope is not defined.  If I add $scope in my dependencies of the controller, then I get error: 'TypeError: AppServiceFramework.getServiceRoot is not a function'.   What am I missing?   I know this particular module will never be in a situation where there will be more than one module on a page.   Thoughts?   As I get deeper and deeper into angular, so many of the examples out there depend on $scope or I'm not changing something correctly.

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5/25/2016 4:36 AM

I have only used the $.watch effectively in a directive to get alerted when the parent scope changed.  I may need to see some of your code to understand the problem.  Is it possible to post a piece of it?

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