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6/15/2015 11:35 AM


I've been working on my own simple dnn template that I want to be able to pass around to people at the office. It uses some unique dll's and basic code that they can use to get started without having to sort through all of Christoc's example code. I've gotten the template built and installed and it's working however it has a slight problem: it doesn't change the assembly name, dnn, modulebase.cs, or settingsbase.cs names. This means every time I go to use this template I have to manually update the assembly name in project properties as well as update the dnn file with the new module name. Is there a way to fix this?


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6/16/2015 4:03 AM


You should have access to some pre-defined template variables like $rootnamespace$ and $projectname$ that you can use in the csproj to make the <AssemblyName> dynamic.

My template goes a little farther to collect more custom replacements using a windows form.  It's all open source so you can see how it works by downloading the code.

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6/16/2015 6:57 AM

I've been playing with your code for a while now. I've tried copying how you're naming your namespaces in your view, edit, and setting.cs's and I've also changed my csproj file to mirror yours. However when I build the project and try to create a new project with the new template nothing happens. That is all the texts stays the same...

That's what the template gives me.

What am I missing to tell my project to use the ModuleTemplateWizard to change my assembly and other names? I've incorporated some of your project to try to duplicate its behavior as you can see here:

I must be missing something simple but I can't seem to figure out what it is ;(. Thanks.

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6/18/2015 3:03 PM


Not sure.  Did you follow the instructions in the README.txt in the project root to build the template's .vsix?  The $rootnamespace$ and $solutionname$ shouldn't require the templatewizard because those are basic vstemplate attributes.  It seems like Visual Studio isn't recognizing your template, but if you build the DnnMVPTemplate.csproj, it should produce the correct template packaging.

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