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12/21/2014 9:51 AM

Is there a good code example/video of how to use the DNN grid?

I have been working on a module that I based off from the security grid module but there seems to be quite a bit of configuration within the resource file that I am not certain how all of it is used.

Scott, I believe you had  a grid sample from one of your training classes but I haven't seen that one posted on DNN Hero.

Thank you.




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12/22/2014 9:06 AM


I haven't used the DnnGrid which is just a wrapper around the Telerik RadGrid.  Telerik has lots of examples and documentation so you should be able to translate any of the RadGrd examples to DnnGrid with no problem.  The reason I don't use that grid is because of how heavily it uses viewstate which can be a performance issue.  I have used jQuery DataTables for client-rendered grid data.  If you are interested, I may be able to provide you with an example.  Now that I am moving onto Angular, I will probably start using ui-grid.

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