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4/16/2014 3:54 PM

I have a module I wrote to use for an eCommerce checkout.  This module has multiple controls (enter address, confirm, and receipt).  These are each defined in the .DNN file under a single package that contains a moduleControl tag for each control.

I am having a problem when moving from the Enter Address View to the Confirm View.  There is a button on the address form to submit.  When submitted a function is called that moves the user to the Confirm step.  In this function the user is redirected with the following line:

            Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL("Confirm", String.Format("mid={0}", ModuleId)));

Is this the correct way to move between the views in the module?

 This works in one respect, the user is redirected to the Confirm step, but fails because the Skin file that is defined in the Page Appearance section is not applied.  When I get to the confirm step, I see the default skin that is used in the Admin area of the site instead of my selected skin.  If I am logged in as an admin at this point, I can choose the "Page Appearance" option and can see that the correct skin is selected.  Although it is selected, it is not applied after moving to the second step of the checkout.

 I have debugged and took a look at the log file.  In both cases I don't see any errors.

How do I make it so the correct skin is applied?

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4/17/2014 4:40 AM

Hi Andy,

It has been my experience, and I found no way around that, when you are moving through different views of the same module, the skin get changed to the default edit skin - It looks like DNN understands the change in control view as entering in edit mode and it get to the default edit skin.

The way I went about going around this is not very nice nor clean: I had broken the module views on different modules in different pages. I know it is ugly, but I haven't found a better way.

Best regards,


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4/17/2014 2:38 PM


Part 3-6 of my Module Views and Navigation series addresses this topic.

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4/18/2014 7:33 AM

Thanks Scott, 

I now see how this can be done in a couple ways some more complicated than others. 

I decided the simplest route for me was to divide each step of the checkout into a separate module.  This can lead to a little bit of an issue on how to determine the URL of the next step.  The consistent layout and naming conventions of my site allow me to get away with hard coding these locations.  It would be more flexible if the form submit location was put into a settings page for each module but I can add that soon enough.  It's not perfect because it involves a little more setup than I would like but is simple and easy to understand.

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