
HomeHomePremiumPremiumDevelopmentDevelopmentMulti-module in one project exampleMulti-module in one project example
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4/15/2014 2:06 AM

I need to package multiple modules in one install zip, and develop them as a single project since there's much shared code. I can't figure out how to do this is the "new" .dnn package format. From what I can read I just need multiple <package> sets, but it's unclear how much of the other things need to be duplicated (if any). For example I don't want multiple SQL scripts, I have a single feature controller, etc. Can I just have a one package with all the install / uninstall, feature controller, etc, and then have the remaining ones just have the associated forms? The description on the DNNSoftware wiki is vague at best.

I thought modules like FAQ and Events used to have multiple modules in the package, but I don't see anything defined and installing them gives me just one "module" so I assume they are single packages. I know in the past there have been ZIP packages with multiple modules in them, but for the life of me I can't find an example anymore. I'm sure if I could look at the package format it would be clear hope to do that.

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4/15/2014 4:27 AM

Hi Keith,

I had a look around and I was able to find a .DNN file that has multiple modules on it and it is version="5.0" - Which I think it is the latest format.

Here it is.

I hope this helps.



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