
HomeHomePremiumPremiumAdministrationAdministrationhow to display taxonomy tags for individual modules?how to display taxonomy tags for individual modules?
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4/29/2015 9:51 AM

Hi Aderson,

I've just watched your excellent video on taxonomy:

Is there a way to get individual modules to display their tags/categories?

Also, is there a way to generate the url for a given tag/category? Apart from displaying it on the page that is.

Best Regards,


New Post
4/29/2015 12:57 PM

Hi Steve,

Great you liked it! 

1 - I have checked and the TAGS object is only available for skins, not for containers, which would be where it could be applicable;

2 - Not sure what you mean by generate, but usually the format is /[SEARCH-RESULTS-PAGE]?Tag=[TAG-NAME] - With some work you could write some razor scripts to figure this all out. But I don't see a way to generate this automatically.

Sorry that this was not that helpful. :(


New Post
4/30/2015 3:05 AM

Hi Aderson,

Thank you for your reply.

1) Pity. But i did find a load of information here: which looks as though it would help with creating some code to generate the required markup.

2) If it's not possible to write the tags with links to a page for a module, then how to create the url for modules that have been tagged is what i mean. I will try the format you've suggested. Maybe take the one for a page and adapt it with the tags assigned to a module. But it's not the easiest thing for a user to do.


Best Regards,


New Post
4/30/2015 4:28 AM

Hi Steve,

2 - Not sure if I follow you, but when you filter by the tag, the results will show pages with that tag as well as modules with that tag (I assume)


New Post
4/30/2015 4:49 AM

Hi Aderson,

I'm not sure that tags at module level will be displayed with the tags set at page level, I was assuming they wouldn't.
But I haven't tried, if you're right then that would make it easy to get the url.


HomeHomePremiumPremiumAdministrationAdministrationhow to display taxonomy tags for individual modules?how to display taxonomy tags for individual modules?

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