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1/23/2015 11:10 AM

Hi Aderson and Scott,


I just watched your latest DNN news video, its great so thank for that.


I look forward too to Scotts next video on iPortable. Of interest to me would be how to implement the copy functionality used when copying a page. I had a go at that sometime ago but couldn't get it to work.  So I'd like to be able to copy a complete page and need to enable copying somehow in a module I've developed. I assume there must be another interface for copying (other than iPortable) as  i couldn't get the iPortable implementation to be called when doing a page copy.


Another idea I had is that perhaps a video on upgrading from web forms to Razor. What exactly is involved? OK I realise that the markup needs to be generated using Razor and not WebForms but there must be more to it. Also, Is it possible to mix web forms and razor on the same module? So then I could migrate my app bit by bit rather than all in one go. There may be some information on this around, I think Daniel Mettler wrote some articles which I need to check up on.

From your DNN News video (January 2015)), is the Aura theme sort of similar to Sharplook? For example, they both allow you to create panes on the fly, though I haven't used either product.


Best Regards,



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1/24/2015 6:20 AM

Hi Steve,

I love having those chats with Scott and interviewing vendors too!

For sure one video moving from web forms to razor/mvc will come up at some point. Most likely when DNN 8 gets close to be released. I love the work from Daniel.

I don't think that Aura is a response to Sharplook. In the end Aura is just a theme, with its own limitations. For instance it is not that simple to use a different color theme from the ones he has established. At the end of the day it is just another theme, but a well done one that comes with a builder which you can leverage to turn your theme quite flexible without having dozens and dozens of panes all loaded up.

My 2 cents :)



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