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9/29/2017 11:31 AM

Hi Aderson

I have a client who wants to offer 3 pdf documents on his site (each on different pages) but wants visitors to fill out a form in order to get them.  He also wants them to be able to have access to anyof the pdfs on any of the pages by filling out the form only once.  It seems to me that using the site registration would be the best way to do this.  Use a custom registration form on each page .  The visitor would fill out the form, automatically receive an email with links to the docs.  If they go to the document download pages on the site while logged in they would also have access there to the documents.  If they return to the site they would only have to log in instead of fill out the entire form again.  Make sense?  


That being said, how would you recommend setting this up?  Or would you recommend a different way to do this?.  Is there a module that does this?





New Post
10/2/2017 2:16 AM

Hi Chris,

I thinking your strategy is good. You just have to make sure that on the registration pages they have an option to click in case they already have an account so they can skip the registration.



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