
HomeHomePremiumPremiumAdministrationAdministrationLangauge specific footers in localised siteLangauge specific footers in localised site
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9/1/2016 11:10 PM

 want to set up a multi lingual site with 4 languages. When I add a new page, I want the DNN localisation to automatically generate the 4 language page variants, but for each language page variant to automatically load 3 language specific HTML modules in the footer of the page with language specific content.  "Contact details", "quick links" and "latest news" as examples.

In a single language site this is easy. You set the footer content to "Display on all pages" and it it then auto generates the content when adding a new page. If you update content in one page it updates them all. When I localised a site last year, the "display on all pages" content appeared across all pages including pages of the non default languages, literally ALL pages. So I had spanish pages with "english" content footers.  Translating every page and ensure content updates synchronise was a nightmare.  In the end the only solution I could find was to create the "footer modules" for all languages on a default language page and use "display on all pages". Then as I add a new page, all the footer modules for all languages are loaded and I then hide or delete the unwanted language versions. Its quicker to delete unwanted modules than copy over 3 modules.

Has this behavior been fixed in 8.3? Or is there a more elegant / simpler way to achieve this requirement.  Localised footer content that automatically loads on new pages and if updated, updates across all the language specific instances of that module seamlessly.

Any thoughts or tips appreciated


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9/2/2016 7:59 AM

Hi John,

I don't know on top of my head whether that is possible on DNN8 or not. So I decided to give it a try. However I'm stuck on DNN 8 regarding my test as I cannot fine the "Enable Localized Content" button that used to be there on DNN 7.

I have sent the question to the DNN user group on Facebook. I will wait for a reply to keep my test.

We shall see...



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9/2/2016 11:15 AM

Hi John,

I just tried on a DNN 8 site and as per my testing the behavior you are hoping to get is the way it is behaving. Unless I understood you wrong, it is working as you described. Only note that I had to go, one time only, to the module in both languages and go to the setting to check the "Display on all pages" for both languages. Once this was done. I created a new page and the module came in place with content correctly in place for both languages.



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