
HomeHomePremiumPremiumAdministrationAdministrationLogin and Registration PopupsLogin and Registration Popups
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12/18/2015 1:24 AM

Hi there,

For my new design, I have to use popups for Login and Registration.

I previously used custom pages so I have 2 questions with these popups :


1. Due to a DNN spam registration problem, my current website has a filter to exclude a specific URL in addition to the custom registration page.

This problem and the solution above has been explained and detailed on a DnnSoftware blog and on another great DnnHero video.

I'm using 7.4.1 for my new website so I should be ok, but do you still recommend the filter ? I can't do custom if I use popup mode, is it a problem ?


2. DNN uses a completely different design for the login/registration popup pages in mobile view.

Except for further Css classes that I can easily customize, I have no control whatsoever on this popup mobile view which is kind of hardcoded in DNN.

I think I can manage to control the media query breakpoint so it's consistent with my design by going through the dnn.modalpopup.js file.

But this minified files are rather indigest and I wish there was a way to simply and completely remove this popup mobile view mode ?


Best regards,


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12/18/2015 5:46 AM

Hello Stephane,

If it comes to the worst would you consider developing your own popup? A modal popup to be specific? I've had luck using UI Bootstrap for Angular. I have total control over its design (size, format, display settings, ect). Simply download the latest verion (0.14.3) and include it on any module on the page where the popup is needed. You can either create a package for it or just use the .min file. The downside to this is that you'd have to use AngularJS as well and be somewhat comfortable with it. I have an example of its use that I can share with you:

You call the modal from your page this way:

Here I'm calling the popup from a button, I'm allowing the built in animation, and I set my template for the modal which is a simple html file that you can customize to your needs along with a controller. In the resolve is where you pass in any variables you need to pass from the page. The modalInstance.result function is what is returned once the modal is closed if that's necessary. Make sure you pass the $uiModal parameter to your pages controller to get access to these functions.

My modal controller which I pass the $uibModalInstance looks like this:

Here I pull the two variables from the parent page and setup my OK and CANCEL functions which handles the two buttons on the modal. You should be able to size the modal any way you'd like with the html as well as manage how it works on a mobile device.

Hopefully this helps you in some way otherwise good luck with editing the dnn modal popup ;)

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