
HomeHomePublicPublicDevelopmentDevelopmentTutorial about angular bootstrap is not valid for version 1.4.6Tutorial about angular bootstrap is not valid for version 1.4.6
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12/20/2015 3:30 AM

Hi, the turorial about angularjs bootstrap in dnn doesn't work for angular 1.4.6. The tutorial is based on pre 3.0 angular and now I am getting error:$injector/modulerr

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12/20/2015 9:17 AM

I took my angular demonstration (0.0.2 from the Advanced Angular lesson) and changed a few lines in the View.ascx.cs:

            ClientResourceManager.RegisterScript(this.Page, base.ControlPath + "Resources/js/angular.min.js", 10);

The local AngularJS reference is to a 1.4.8 file.  It ran fine for me.  I have had issues running certain Angular components on bootstrap themes though.  In my example, I was using the Gravity theme with an updated version of bootstrap (see the video for an explanation of that).  In particular, the bootstrap.js can cause issues with Angular in some cases.  But I am not seeing the same issue on my demonstration.  Are you using the Gravity theme with my boostrap changes?

It seems like it is complaining about a missing reference to an injected module.  Can you look at the "Sources" tab of Chrome developer tools and see if all scripts are being referenced on the page?

New Post
12/20/2015 11:07 AM

It works fine. Sorry, it was typo error.


HomeHomePublicPublicDevelopmentDevelopmentTutorial about angular bootstrap is not valid for version 1.4.6Tutorial about angular bootstrap is not valid for version 1.4.6

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