
HomeHomePublicPublicAdministrationAdministrationModules - Category OrderModules - Category Order
New Post
9/28/2012 5:08 AM

I love the new feature in the modules selection section, where you can set the modules you use the most to be in a Common Category. but....

In the past, with no categories, HTML always seemed to be the default and you moved up or down the alphabetically sorted list.

I've changed the friendly name of the HTML module to be .HTML [dotHTML] forcing it to be first in the list, by selecting the Edit option from Extensions pages (also where you set a Modules category).

But...does anyone know

1. Can you add other Categories?

2. Can you make one Module your "favourite"?

Maybe someone could have a friendly word with the DNN guys and get HTML set to be the most common :-)

New Post
9/28/2012 12:06 PM

Hi Dave,

I don't think there is a "favorite" feature, but I know you can create more categories. I have a video on how to create module categories in DNN



New Post
10/19/2012 6:31 AM

I found a "fix"

If you go into the Host - Extensions and edit the HTML (or others) under Package Settings there is "Friendly Name"

Change it to .HTML (dot)HTML

Then it rises to the top

New Post
10/19/2012 10:47 AM
Great catch Dave!
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