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2/20/2015 12:55 AM

DnnGo Unlimited skins are becoming quite popular and Aderson, our man, even made a video tutorial based upon it.

So my question is basically how far can you go for customization if you buy such a skin ?

I'm not talking about all the settings available through their skin plugins/modules but tiny things.

As my designer would say...perfection is in the details, so let's say everything is perfect but :

- you don't like the way the search bar or the login/register bar is working

- you want to slightly change the mega menu current selection look

- you want to use their button classes but with a tiny change on the border or color


Do you have access to the full html/css/js files and you can change those tiny things up there ?


New Post
2/20/2015 8:01 AM

Hi Stephane,

If you know how to work with skins, you can customize all of that with the themes from DNNGo.

I have done that many times already myself. It is all accessible via CSS/HTML/JS. I never had any problems changing those things on their skins.



New Post
2/23/2015 12:37 AM

That's great, I think I'm gonna try one pretty soon.

One last thing : how does it score in terms of performance (speed) ?

Because their demo page is loading quite slowly and scores badly on PageSpeed, but it is not optimized at all.

But can you "load" only the JS parts you are interested in (for example, if you use only Testimonials) ?

I assume you can then use CSS/JS minification with DNN (and compression as well) for optimization.



New Post
2/23/2015 9:07 AM

Hi Stéphane,

I see some users complaining about performance of this new wave of skins/themes in general - not just from DNNGo.

In regards to only loading parts that are relevant to the features you are using, that would require skin css/js modifications. I say this because you can just pug the HTML code they provide on their site and these features will come up. So they are always there, even if your are not using.

But it would be hard to be able to clean all this up. I don't know if I would go through that unless I see VERY poor performance.

I would rather try to use compression and minification instead of cleaning up the code.



New Post
2/23/2015 10:27 PM

As always, Aderson, thank you for all the great advices.

Best Regards

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