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4/4/2014 6:52 AM


This seems to be a server side issue when loading your module control because you cannot see the html of your view in the page.

When you debug this, does it hit your module view control's Page_Load event when the page is loaded without the Html module?


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4/4/2014 7:28 AM

Thanks for the reply.

When I debug, the Page_Load function is hit.  I have stepped through the code and in both cases (with or without the additional HTML module) the search values are correctly detected and the search code appears to execute successfully.  On the browser side, the page does not finish loading until I allow the debugging to continue.  It appears like after it finishes executing, the module is then either displayed or not depending on the origin of the form submit or some other unknown set of circumstances.  It's really strange that none of the HTML is making it to the screen.

As a data point, I have moved this to a development server on my LAN and the problem also shows up there.  The dev server and my local workstation share the same database.

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4/4/2014 10:07 AM

Hi Scott, 

I got things configured so there should be a public facing copy for demonstrative purposes.  This site isn't ready to be indexed yet so I don't want to paste the URL directly...  test[DOT]abc-clio[DOT]com/Praeger.aspx 

The page above is one of our imprint pages.  On the left there is a search products tab that you can click on to access the search form.  On the form there are 2 search buttons.  The advanced search button is connected to a page that has the problem, the quicksearch is connected to a page that does not have the problem.

If you submit an advanced search (Title="war"), you will see that the search results page is blank.  From this blank page, attempt to submit another advanced search and you will see it once again appears empty.  Now, click on the address bar, hit enter to reload the page... you will now see the full Praeger title list.  Attempt another advanced search, you should get results.

This shows that if the page is initially loaded without a post back/search submit, everything works but when the post back is from another page, there's a problem.

Hopefully this helps clarify the behavior.


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