
HomeHomePremiumPremiumAdministrationAdministrationInserting an image into an HTML module.Inserting an image into an HTML module.
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9/2/2014 6:12 AM
Hello,Has anyone had an issue inserting an image into an HTML module in DNN 07.03.02 (109)?I have tried using the steps below, but nothing appears in the rich text editor.SteveEdit Content Select 'image manager'Select the image, see that it's displayed in the right hand pane.Click 'Insert'
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9/2/2014 7:08 AM

Hi Steve,

Recently I have seem a problem on a site that the image gets inserted with width=0 and height=0 and I have to delete these from the HTML view. I have not seem a way to fix it yet. Not sure if this is your case. Just reporting what I have seem which seems close to your report.



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9/2/2014 7:54 AM
Hi Aderson,Thanks for your reply.There's no HTML created unfortunately.I realise I can out some in, but can't expect a non technical user to do that.Steve
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9/2/2014 8:13 AM

Hi Steve,

I would try to monitor what's going on with fiddler and see if you can get any sort of error message while you are trying to add the image. Sometimes I get good results by troubleshooting with it.



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9/2/2014 8:50 AM
Hi Aderson,Thank you for your reply.OK I will that a go. Thanks.Steve
HomeHomePremiumPremiumAdministrationAdministrationInserting an image into an HTML module.Inserting an image into an HTML module.

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