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DNN Notifications - Coding the Notification - Part 2/3

9 min : 54 sec

Learn how to leverage DNN Notifications in your module! This series we are discussing how to send private alerts to users with custom actions attached to those alerts using the DNN Notifications framework to add moderation capabilities to our custom module.

This video will cover Coding the Notification & Actions, Business Logic Best Practices. This is part 2 of 3.

Instructions for running the code project:

1. Setup your DNN 7 site with host name
2. Download the zip file
3. Unzip the project folder (DNNuclear.ScheduledTaskModule) under the \DesktopModules folder
4. Open Visual Studio 2012 as an Administrator and open the project
5. Build project in Release mode
6. Install the *_Install package in Host > Extensions
7. Create a test page and drop an instance of the module on the page
8. Edit the Gravity home skin file: /Portals/_default/Skins/Gravity/Home.ascx
    8.1 - Register Skin token:
        <%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="STICKYNOTIFY" src="~/DesktopModules/DotNetNuclear.Notifications/StickyNotification.ascx" %>
    8.2 - Add token to top of skin
        <dnn:STICKYNOTIFY ID="dnnStickNotify" AlertHideTimeout="5" runat="server" />

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